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Your VIP Upgrade Goodie bag..

VIP for Only €45
Lifetime access to Balancing Your Body From Within Summit ( Value € 197)
A personalized health blueprint call with Dani ( Value €127)
Balance Your Body From Within Cheat sheet ( Value €47)
Access to 2022 Balancing Your Body From Within Summit ( Value €197)

Hi There...

So, here's a little bit about me...

My name is Danica Nell, founder of Balanced Living by Dani.
I am a mom of 2 Sons,  and Glamma of 3 beautiful grandchildren.

I am a Health & Wellbeing Coach and an entrepreneur, and in the past I have been at the top of my game in the corporate world for many years.

I am also Living with an auto-immune disease. You will notice I didn't say  suffering from an auto-immune disease, because I am LIVING!

I have spent a lot of time in the past suffering through days, weeks and even months with my condition; in that time I have educated myself and learned how to cope and transform my own health and wellbeing to where I am now living virtually pain free!

Now, after my own self-health discovery, I am on a quest to educate individuals and help them transform their own health from being in excruciating pain to little or no pain within just a few short months.

I really do look forward to helping you on your journey,

Danica x

Exceptional support!

You can search FOREVER and never find half of what is on offer here TODAY, everything you need all in one place.

© Balanced Living by Dani 2023

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